Wednesday, July 18, 2012

7/52 In the park

Last weekend we went to the park to play soccer. Here, Julian has the ball in his hand. However, Emmanuel always prefers to play baseball: and finds anything to bat with. We have a kid with strong preferences.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Week 6/52 In the bedroom

Finally, we constructed the train track as it was meant to be. It has been improvised for over a year, but we found all the pieces and ... here it is with all its original turns.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Week 5/52 In Graduation

I planned to post this picture as part of last week's memories, but this week is kind of a hard one again, so this picture reflects the great time we had at my graduation in Boston. The highlight of the day was Emmanuel's insistence is giving me a "graduation" balloon, and his taking care of it like if it was one of his baseball bats. He let it go to the ceiling of the Graduation Hall and cried until a security guard helped him recover it (they told me). Then, we left it in the restaurant, and 15 minutes later, he yelled, "MOM... the balloon!", and started running back to the restaurant where we found it tied to the table.
I deflated it and kept it safe on out trip back to Colombia, and will keep it for the rest of my life :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Week 4.1/52 In the hospital

 We spent the whole week hospitalized becaue Emmanuel had a strange episode of chest pain and weakness. We are happy that there are no problems with his lungs and heart. Now, we are investigating his metabolism. For now, we use a glucometer to read his blood sugar (too often). even though we were in the hospital we manage to have a good time, like always.
The week is not over, so we will add a picture from out of the hospital.
Bad looking, but tiumphant
Mommy is good entetainment

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Week 3/52 In Babidibu

The kid of the week is a very nice activity a Emmanuel's school. He was the boy of the week last week, and he was crown and wore special color bag to school. We made a poster for him showing his favorite books, sports and movies, and the highlight of all, was that mom and dad went to spend time with his classmates and taught them how to play beisball, Emmanuel´s avorite game. this was perfect to build his confidence.
The pictures below reflect how much fun we got.

With mom and dad getting ready to play

With dad playing ball

Explaining the poster wiyh mom

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Week 2/52 In the park

In the park of our building
For  change... Emmanuel and I playing baseball. We are enjoying all our afternoons together, (until I find a job), and I am loving every minute of it.
This day, the sun was out the whole afternoon, which is very unusual in this time of the year, when it rains every day.

I had a job interview yesterday, and it went very well. I hope they make an offer soon, so I can plaan accordingly. I am taking care of Emmanuel like I never could before.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Week 1: In a restaurant

In Frisby, a fried chicken restaurant in Colombia
With this picture I start my "52 weeks with mom" blog. It is not really a picture from this week, so I am cheating a little bit. However, I really wanted to get started and this is the most representative picture of us now. Yes, we have both cut our hair! and now we live in Bogota-Colombia.

What is not representative in this picture is the calm expression in our face when it comes to food. Emmanuel is still the pickiest eater, and I am the most stressed mom when it comes to him not eating. But for a change, this day was not too bad.

In honor to the first three years of life of Emmanuel and the good friends he and I made on a street in Boston, we have called this blog: Riverway Street.

I am looking forward to share this blog with you during the next 52 weeks and see your pictures too.
